You are the best.
On the day I decided to document things I noticed discarded or accidentally dropped on pavements, I found this.
The interesting thing about this card is that although it is simply a flyer for beauty treatments, when I saw it lying there the words had a strange effect on me. I felt suddenly valued and rather cheered up as if the card was left specifically for me to find. I wondered if I should perhaps make my own cards, printed with similar statements and leave them around town. Would this make other people feel better too.
Council code.
It could be graffiti, it could be modern art but I think it is code for the road diggers – still I always find the vivid colours they use very striking.
Chalk graffiti in Camden.
The pink gloves.
It is unsual to find a whole pair of gloves on a pavement, they tend to get lost in ones. It made me wonder if their owner had deliberately dropped them – I remember doing this myself when I was a child.
Found crochet samples.
Photo © Lauren Child.
Princess in a birdbath, Sydney, Australia.
This object – a tiny princess – has been neither lost nor discarded, though she has the appearance of someone lost, standing as she is up to her knees in bird bath water.
Power hose on the footpath.
Ferry pattern.
Auckland leaf.
Rockpool life, South Devon.
Brixham Lido South Devon
Meadow flowers, South Devon
Lost door key, North London.